

 Tele-medicine Appointments

I am offering appointments everyday, Monday through Friday, via computer based on a HIPPA compliant web site,

Virtual appointments are just like in-office appointments in terms of scheduling and fees. Please check with your insurance carrier and ask what their policy might be concerning this type of appointment as we can not research this for you. If you have a plan that disallows computer based appointments then you may want to opt for seeing me in the office as you would be responsible for the full fee otherwise. To start the appointment you would log into my link at 10 minutes before the scheduled time and wait for me to log on and  initiate the appointment.

The advantage of these appointments for you is convenience. If you travel a ways to see me for a 15-30 minute appointment then I am sure you can see the benefit of having  your appointments this way and not having to challenge our region’s intense traffic patterns.

What is required on your end is to have a stable secure internet connection and that you are familiar with using audio/video computer communications programs.  I do not recommend using cell phones or cell signal as internet connection. The video is less reliable and using cellular bandwidth could add up in terms of expense. You would need a quiet secure place with no external interruptions.

In order to make the process more efficient we would need to have you give us permission to keep a current credit card on file and allow us to charge your co-pays/deductibles and outstanding balances to it. I will tell you during the session what that figure is. There will be NO surprise charges!  You can access the credit card form from the Payment tab  on my web site or fill out the linked form and email back to me. telemedicine payment form

Lastly since you will not be coming into the office and hence will not be greeted by a receptionist who would ask if there are changes to your personal information such as address; phone numbers; insurance coverage for example I would need to for you to take the  initiative and fill out the Patient Update Form found under the Patient Forms tab and send it back to me. I will ask you during the appointment if there have been any changes as it is our policy to always ask.
